These are nobodies children. And probably haven’t been parented since their folks passed out on the couch when they were five and seven. I’m not saying it’s easy to be a Parent when you’re blind drunk. Nor am I picking on that situation. But kids that live with no respect for adults, never had respect for their own parent or parents.
There is a “karmic justice“ for parents who failed to give their children a respectful outlook, and that is: That without respectful deference to an employer, they will always find their way back to your basement. And that means, a sweaty little room in the basement full of Cheetos-bags and video games until you attempt to retire. Lol.
But, like so many things that appear on social media boards, I would say that 99.9% of adults know this.
Some people talk, because they like the sound of their own voice. I like to talk just cause I like the clackety-clack of my own keyboard. 😂