Badlands Ranch Beef & Salmon diet.
That diet is interesting because it’s not the usual low-carb spread, it’s 30% protein and over 20% carbs. It’s fine as long as feeding that achieves a Body Condition Score of (BCS) BCS = 4-minus
What’s a BCS 4 Minus?
Since that particular diet is 440c/cup and Charley is 10 pounds, you would feed 1/4 cup twice a day. And even that might be a LITTLE too much so if she got a bit rotund (BCS 4 plus) you’d cut back to 3 tbsp twice a day.
I made a list of the BEST diets you could buy face-to-face in Marietta. Several from Hollywood Feed, some from Petco, and one from Costco. The one from Costco is JUST as good as the other six.
^^^These diets are held out as “good for skin and allergies” but in fact they are just top notch diets being free of chicken, free of grains, and they’re based on Salmon.
Then if you wanted to actually cook for your dog, the easiest and best home cooked diet is the Salmon, Whey and Sweet Potato diet. There are two versions, one is “regular Carb” and the other is “Low Carb” and both are here:
^^^ The page contains the diet RECIPES and also, the breakout sheet of all the nutrients and their percentages and actually how much to feed.